Indian actor and self-proclaimed critic Kamaal R Khan has claimed Bollywood A-lister Varun Dhawan is in depression, following the Box Office failure of his latest theatrical release, ‘Baby John’.
Self-proclaimed movie critic and trade analyst Kamaal R Khan, known by most as KRK, alleged in his new video, that Varun Dhawan is in ‘severe depression’, over the poor Box Office performance of his much-anticipated action-thriller ‘Baby John’.
“His parents, brother and entire family are at his home, and they are trying to console him but Varun has not been coming out of his room,” KRK claimed.
Khan furthered, “Varun is doing a film with his father David Dhawan next, which is produced by Tips. Therefore, he advised his son to focus on that project and has assured him to successfully revive his career with that movie.”