Nowadays, it has become more important than ever to learn a foreign language with increasing global interactions. Being bilingual or multilingual will open doorways and make an individual more valuable for employers as compared to an individual who is not a polyglot. There is no denying the fact that polyglots are more intelligent than those who speak only one language. Speaking another language also helps one to gain confidence and perspective.
Learning a new language is not an easy feat and requires motivation and commitment. Following tips can help an individual in gaining command over a new language while making the process enjoyable.
Note down Everything during Foreign Language Class
Try and note down everything taught during foreign language class as writing helps in learning a language more effectively. Taking notes helps to cement information in our brains. While listening to language lessons jot everything down that you hear as this will train your ear for accents.
Combine Learning and Entertainment
Learning a new language can be a tedious task. Make learning new language fun use music, TV shows, and other entertainment to learn the new language. Spend time watching movies in other languages with the subtitles on, listen to podcasts in the other language or learn by listening to music in other language.
Listen, Watch Others Speak and then Practice Pronunciation
Foreign languages are pronounced differently due to which the stress on your tongue, lips and throat is different as for every sound there is a specific part of the mouth or throat that is used to produce a particular sound. It is possible to pronounce anything it is just that one is unfamiliar with the manner in which new words from a foreign language are spoken. Pronunciation requires both physical and mental effort. First and foremost you will need to recognize the sounds of your target language. Initially the new language will sound strange but as you will continue you will become familiar to the way the target language sounds and after that you will have to practice speaking it. For this you will need to watch others speak as by far this is the best way to practice pronunciation although this may sound strange and then imitate the manner in which native speakers’ talk in.
No Translations
Try to think in your target language. You can teach yourself the vocabulary and grammar of the target language without the added mental step of translating back and forth from your native language which will lead to fluency in the target language.
Rehearse Conversations in Your Head.
Try to think in the newly learned language and talk to yourself in the target language if there is no one else around to help you. This will help to retain newly learned words and phrases of the target language.
Before a conversation try to practice and construct sentences in the target language this will help to make the conversations easier when one actually has them. Besides making the conversation easier it will also help to build your confidence.
Speak or Try to Converse in the Other Language
Do not hesitate or feel shy in using the newly learned language to carry out a conversation as this is the fastest way to learn a language and grasp command over it. Having conversations is one of the best ways to learn a foreign language. Otherwise you will forget what you have learned. One should try and speak with a native speaker for at least 30 minutes a day if it is possible.
Practice Spaced Repetition for Language Learning
According to spaced repetition one is more likely to memorize something if one repeatedly learns it over a period of time. Spaced repetition sees one going back and revising material that they have learned over time to be able to retain it.
With Error Comes Experience
Initially when speaking in the target language you will make mistakes simply accept it and don’t back down from learning. If you try to avoid these stumbles you will also set back the process of learning. You will have to be willing to leave your comfort zone and try to carry out conversations in the target language and you may end up making a mistake or two but this is the best way to develop and improve your language skills. To learn a language you need to be able to speak a language without putting yourself out there you cannot learn the new language. No one will judge you for the odd mistake, so use every opportunity to improve your language skills and engage with speakers of the target language.
The more often you do this, the bigger your comfort zone becomes and the more at ease you can be in new situations.
Set Study Goals
It is really imperative to develop a plan you can actually stick with so that you stay motivated and committed to learning the new language. Set SMART goals so that you can easily achieve in your daily life.
Practice on a Daily Basis
After developing a study plan you should start putting it into action and make schedule of the hours you will study during the week and the topics you will learn on a daily basis. Dividing the topics on daily basis will prove to be extremely helpful because it will help you to keep a track of the topics you are supposed to study and allow you to be more efficient with your time.
It is not important to learn something new every day but what is important for language learners is that they practice what they learn on a regular basis so as to avoid forgetting the newly learned language.
Try to use the newly learned words of the target language in everyday dialogues and situations this will truly help you add more practice to your daily life and help you improve significantly.
Be Consistent/ Steadfast and Don’t Give-up
Consistency holds extreme importance in language learning. Consistency is very important if you wish to excel in the target language that you have chosen to study and you will have to put continuous effort and keep trying in order to achieve command over the target language.
The most important thing in language learning is to be able to stay consistent and not to waver. Learning a language is a slow and gradual process which you cannot rush. Like in every other thing you will have to start slow taking one step at a time and then work your way up towards more difficult and harder levels.
Staying consistent with learning a new language can be quite tricky and it will require perseverance. There will be times when you will feel like giving up but that is the time that you have to remain steadfast. Every time you don’t feel like studying or practicing, you should remember all the effort you put into reaching that far and how rewarding it will be for you to be able to gain command on the target language.
Celebrate Each Success
Rewards are the best way to motivate one’s self. Every time you achieve a goal that you set for yourself in this journey of learning a new language give yourself a treat. Try to link the reward with the language or the country in which the language is spoken. This will help to refresh the object behind learning the target language in your mind and will serve to motivate you further.