She composed the Sufi Kalam of Maulana Rumi herself. Singer Saira Peter says that Jalaluddin Rumi moved to Konya with his respected father at the age of 19 after completing his elementary studies. On the one hand, Maulana Rumi’s speech was a treasure of wisdom and high thoughts, on the other hand, it is full of the virtues of poetry, adding that there was also simplicity in his speech, a lot of sadness, an expression of love and unity. Although the special theme of his poetry was spirituality and real love or divine love. But at the same time, he also emphasized the themes of religious tolerance, beliefs, morals, generosity, goodness and training.

Apart from this, he also taught about the importance and reality of love. His teachings show that all external and internal knowledge exists within the human being. This is the reason why the Sufis urge man to explore his inner self.
Maulana Rumi’s poems attract man to his origin, i.e. his inner self. Keeping all these things in front, Saira Peter created a fusion of Qawwali with support of the cultural department of Konya in shooting an exclusive video.