Veteran Urdu Novelist Mustansar Hussain Tarrar has finished the first draft of his upcoming new novel.
Mustansar Hussain Tarrar said in an exclusive session with the voice of Sindh said it will take some time to re-write the novel. It will take at least six months to make it visible in shelves.
The central idea of the up-coming novel revolves around recent covid-19 scenerio, change in the life style due to isolation and lockdown. it depicts the life of a person – who is passing facing the outcomes of the pandemic.
Last novel written by the prominent author was “Mantiqul Tair” that paid tribute to Fariduddin Attar. one of his novel “Khas o Khashak” was declared as the best novel of the decade in a recent survey.

Tarrar was considered as a most read author of the Urdu language. His travelogues, columns and novels are highly appreciated worldwide.
Mustansar Hussain Tarrar was awarded by several awards including Tamgha-e-Imtiaz.