Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife in his house at Thursday midnight. The injured actor was taken to Lilavati Hospital by his son Ibrahim in an auto-rickshaw. After multiple surgeries, including a cosmetic one, Saif has now been shifted to the ICU under the supervision of doctors. He was stabbed 6 times and two of these hits were said to be serious. After being injured, he was admitted to the hospital for treatment. Also, the police reached the spot and are now investigating the matter. The police said that the full details of this case will be revealed only after the investigation.
Saif was taken to hospital in auto
According to the report, despite bleeding heavily, Saif Ali Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital by his son Ibrahim in an auto-rickshaw. The car was not ready to go at that time because the driver was not present in the house. In a hurry, 23-year-old Ibrahim took his father Saif to the hospital in a three-wheeler i.e. auto. He somehow put his father in the auto and rushed to the hospital. It was claimed that the car was going to take some time to leave. Therefore, Saif was taken to the hospital in an auto.
It is significant to note that Lilavati Hospital is about two kilometres away from Saif Ali Khan’s house.
Kareena was seen near the auto later
In a video that surfaced shortly after this, Saif Ali Khan’s wife Kareena Kapoor Khan was seen standing near the auto. During this time she was seen talking to the house staff. The 54-year-old actor was stabbed several times with a knife. Two of these were deep wounds and one was near his spine. This incident happened when the thief was trying to enter his son’s room and during this, he got into a scuffle with Khan. Giving information about his health, his team issued a statement saying that he had undergone surgery and is now out of danger.