Bollywood star Ranveer Singh flaunts a never-seen-before turban look in the leaked images from the sets of his next film, tentatively titled Dhurandhar’.
Following the success of his Diwali release ‘Singham Again’, Ranveer Singh is currently busy filming for his next project, filmmaker Aditya Dhar’s multi-starrer, announced last year.
The first leaked pictures of Singh, reportedly from an action sequence of the same project, see him in an all-new look, with a beard and turban, while he wore a kurta with his long, untamed hair.
The intense avatar of the ‘Simmba’ star has sent his fans into a frenzy, with many even finding it reminiscent of his own character, Alauddin Khilji from ‘Padmaavat’, while others drew comparisons with Ranbir Kapoor’s ‘Animal’ look.