Globally as the cases of COVID-19 are increasing day by day, the number of cases of domestic violence causing sabotage too. The locked down is creating the most ugly colors on the canvas of earth
“The more people are being caged and have nothing to do, higher they are becoming brutal”
The act of attempting physical abuse to your other half has not considered sensible in any way. People have reported quite horrible cases of physically being beaten and there are reports of two cases death occurred until date of this pandemic. What do you think? Why one does not have the sense to have jurisdiction on their inner animal? Domestic Violence is not the option to release your stress at your significant one. How the world be feeling about that? There should be full stop at the sick mindsets of insane human beings. Oh! They do not deserve even to be called human. Our creator has sent to in this world for not empowering others but spreading good deeds and the love. Why human mind get so frustrated and cannot be able to cope with the situation at the most needed time. I consider, if those men have a good leisure time or something to deal with their self-isolation days, there were not be any cases reported against the nerve-racking act. One should be educated enough to understand this taboo subject which they considered as the normal act due to being raised their whole lives in a patriarchal society.
The cases reported worldwide are included these countries: France, Spain, UK, Australia, Iraq, and Pakistan. In addition, the pattern of increasing abuse has been repeated in countries from Brazil to Germany, China to Greece. The initiatives were set in motion when the government said last week that reports of domestic violence had jumped 36 percent in Paris and 32 percent elsewhere in France, after the restrictions occurred force. The cases encompass two murders. Governments should take more steps to prevent the danger, because children are also not in school and in home one can turned out to be insane by facing the daily torture. What is the concept behind of being in quarantine, if the lives of woman are constantly in minacious?
Pakistani psychologists have also claimed that surge is domestic violence cases is experienced during the lockdown days as these mental health professionals provide online mental therapies. According to a former Chief of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, not only women but children are also vulnerable to domestic violence. The government is doing well to curtail the repercussions of COVID-19, now it’s time the government especially the Federal Ministry of Human Rights must step in and give a sigh of relief to the vulnerable gender of our society.