The first and foremost important precaution is to reduce the fear of death due to this virus
What is COVID-19? How can the mankind deal with COVID-19 outbreaks? These are frequently asked questions nowadays all over the world as Coronavirus has been declared a pandemic from World Health Organization(WHO).To answer these questions we need to analyze our lifestyles critically because COVID -19 is nothing but a result of our so cold modern lifestyles. When we look at our past, we realize that our materialistic and unhealthy lifestyles brought this pandemic in the world.
However, it’s never too late that’s why today the most considerable aspect of this virus is its precautions which are blindly followed everywhere as much as possible so do in Pakistan where majority of people are followers of religion Islam (Muslims). In order to fight with Coronavirus outbreak effectively, we as Muslims need to be optimist and look at the positive side of its precautions rather than to spread out the fear and fake news among people of this world through social media. It is the responsibility of every
Muslim particularly to use social media positively; only for the purpose of sharing precautions in the light of Islam as Islam is a universal religion. We can share message of Islam regarding our faith, health, personal hygiene and social relations for the sake of precautions through whatsApp, Facebook and Twitter and so on in order to reduce the coronavirus outbreak in the world.
and to generate the positivity among Muslims. Therefore, we must reinforce our full faith on Almighty Allah and understand that life and death is in his hand at a fixed time. We need to spread this belief as much as possible through all the sources of social media among all human beings generally and Muslims particularly in order to enable them think positively for their survival in this condition. We can share Ayaat of the Holy Quraan and Ahadith –e –Mubaraka to keep the spiritual motivation high as according to Islam: “Hopelessness is disbelief.”
The second important precaution in this regard is to remind people teaching of Islam for taking care of their health and personal hygiene as it is related to our faith. The Messenger of Allah our Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Cleanliness is half of the faith (Emaan).” [Sahih Muslim] Thus, all the human beings are required to take care of their personal hygiene by assuring that they are well groomed, and that their bodies, clothing, and surroundings are clean. We can run awareness campaign through social media about the precautions regarding personal hygiene during the coronavirus outbreak. This campaign would persuade people for taking care of their health and personal hygiene as a regular practice rather than only in time of epidemic or pandemic in the world.
The last but not least precaution which needs to be discussed with all the people is social distancing which is advised by WHO to fight with coronavirus outbreak .It would be a source of social bonding in future if we deal with it positively. Furthermore, during social isolation period, people can think about the lacking in social relations due to their busy routine and how they can make their future social life happier than before. We can share the golden principles of Islam regarding self-accountability and prosperous social life with people as Islam emphasis on good relationship with all the relatives. We can not only share Islamic secrets of socialization through social media but also this platform can be used to compensate our ignorance towards our loved ones. In this way social isolation could be a blessing for making our relationships better with our friends and family members.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala Saysin the Holy Quraan: “For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.”(Surah Al- Inshirah Ayat No.5-6)No doubt, today all human beings are going through with the hardships of COVID -19 outbreaks where only teachings of Islam can provide humanity the best ways to stay positive and to combat the outbreaks of COVID -19. It is a need of hour that COVID -19 precautions must be considered as a period of training in order to acquire fruitful results in future. Soon the life on the earth will be far better, happier and prosperous if we stay positive. Inshallah