2020. The year of the calamity, if we take into account the advent of coronavirus and subsequent disease of COVID-19 that has thrown the world back into the dark ages. To curb the contagion, governments across countries have been reluctantly forced to take precautionary measures directing the masses to stay safe by staying at homes. Commerce brought to a standstill, streets deserted, minimum physical contacting, underprivileged poor unable to make their ends meet and numerous other societal problems have literally caused a severe dent to the global vehicle.
Seeing from a positive perspective, the year can be termed as a blessing in disguise. Lockdowns have brought families closer to each other. People are savoring on their domestic relationships more than ever, now that they are confined to the walls of their homes. The not so bright and unrewarding concept of ‘Work from home’ is evolving. To provide for their families, people of both genders are making better use of technology, keeping their livelihood counters ticking. Various other benefits can be wrested from this global pandemic; however, we are not here to discuss those. Let us take a plunge into the realm of the unseen force of nature at play. Better to fasten your seatbelts. This is going to be one hell of a ride.
In the midst of prevailing conditions of chaos and calm, conspiracy theories regarding the current pandemic lurking in my mind, I found myself on a jogging track near my home. Several laps went by and I felt the need to take a short break before resuming. As I sat on a bench inhaling and exhaling, perspiring profusely, the presence of an unknown entity took me by surprise. Here, I would like to go a little out of the story and share with you a short backdrop that culminated into my meeting with this entity. Since the arrival of the virus in Karachi and way before that, the thoughts of digging deeper into the series of events that have caused immense fear into the hearts of men have been resonating in my mind. To say that such thoughts have occupied the subconscious mind for a better part of my life would not be incorrect. Why are we always living in fear? What makes us not find out and reach our true potential? Despite participating in acts of kindness and helping out fellow beings, we are met with uncertainty and indecision in our lives? The urge to get definite answers to such questions brought me face to face with this entity. The entity we call the ‘Devil’. In the following interview with the Devil, the exact nature of the power by which I had been deprived of my initiative and courage has been described. It is the same power with which millions of Pakistanis are bound during the current pandemic. It is the chief weapon with which the Devil ensnares and controls human beings. Through this interview I was, to a certain extent, able to expose the tricks and wiles of the Devil. The sole purpose of sharing this experience with my readers is that they will be able to avoid the pitfalls of Devil’s sinister plots.
The interviewer is myself, herein referred to as ‘Mr. Earthling’.
The interviewee is the Devil, herein referred to as ‘Your Highness’.
Here begins the interview…
Q. Through the great holy scriptures, the Almighty has showed me the way of uncovering your evil methods. What will follow is a series of simple questions to which I demand your accurate and truthful responses. Are your ready for the interview, Mr. Devil?
A. Yes. Ready, I am. But you should address me with more respect. During this interview, you will call me ‘Your Highness’. That sounds nice.
Q. By what right do you demand such royal respect?
A. You should know that I control 98 percent of the people of your world. Don’t you think that entitles me to such royalty?
Q. Oh! Can you prove this claim? What does your proof consist of?
A. Yes. There is plenty of proof. But you are forgetting to address me as ‘Your Highness’. Be respectful.
Of the proofs you refer to, I will describe all. Some you will understand some you may not. Near the conclusion of this God-forsaken interview, you will get a correct picture of what I truly am and where my abode is.
Q. That is a fine idea, Your Highness. Start by telling me where you live. Then describe your physical appearance.
A. My physical appearance? Why, my dear Mr. Earthling, I have no physical body. I would be handicapped by such a burden as those in which you earthbound creatures live. I consist of negative energy, and I live in the minds of people who fear me. I also occupy one-half of every atom of physical matter and every unit of mental and physical energy. Perhaps, you will better understand my nature if I tell you I am the negative portion of the atom.
Q. Oh! I see what you are claiming. You are laying the foundation to say that if it were not for you, there would be no world, no stars, no electrons, no atoms, no human beings, nothing. Is that correct?
A. Bulls eye. Absolutely true.
Q. Well, if you only occupy one-half of energy and matter, who occupies the other half?
A. The other half is occupied by my opposition.
Q. Opposition? What do you mean?
A. The opposition is what you earthlings call God.
Q. How do you gain control of the minds of people?
A. Oh, that is easy. I merely move in and occupy the unused space of the human brain. I sow the seeds of negative thought in the minds of people so I can occupy and control the space!
Q. You must have many tricks and devices by which you gain and hold control of the human mind?
A. To be sure, I employ tricks and devices to control human thought. My devices are clever ones too.
Q. Go ahead and describe your clever tricks, Your Highness.
A. One of my cleverest devices for mind control is fear. I plant the seed of fear in the minds of people, and as these seeds germinate and grow, through use, I control the space they occupy. The six most effective fears are the fear of:
1. Poverty,
2. Criticism,
3. Bad health,
4. Loss of love,
5. Old age and,
6. Death.
Q. Which one of these six fears serves you most often, Your Highness?
A. First and last. Poverty and Death.
Q. Your Highness, can you elaborate how you gained control through these two fears?
A. That is a long story and cannot be put into few words. It began with the creation of the first human. As mankind grew, I had complete control over them until I found some enemies who discovered the ‘power of positive thought’. Thus, began my battle to regain control. Nevertheless, I have done quite well by myself, having lost only 2 percent of the people to the opposition.
Q. This means that people who have positive thinking capability are your enemies?
A. It is not right. But it is correct.
Q. Tell me something more about the world in which you live.
A. I live wherever I choose. Time and space do not exist for me. I can be best described as energy. My favorite physical dwelling place, as I have told you, is the minds of the earthlings. I control a part of the brain space of every human being. The amount of space I occupy in each individual’s mind depends upon how little and what sort of thinking that person does. As I have told you, I cannot entirely control any person who thinks.
Q. Who are your greatest enemies on earth, Your Highness?
A. All who inspire people to think and act on their own initiative are my enemies. Such men include Edison, Tesla, Muhammad ibn Musa Al Khwarizmi, Abdul Sattar Edhi, to mention a few.
And I am beginning to realize that you are not doing me any good either.
Q. What are the eight doors of the mind that you are so proud of? Or should I say the eight doors to hell.
A. I enter the minds of people through thoughts which they believe to be their own. Those most useful to me are:
- Lust,
- Fear,
- Anger,
- Revenge,
- Laziness,
- Superstition,
- Excessive pride and
- Greed for material wealth.
Through one or more of these I can enter any mind, at any age, but I get my best results when I take charge of a mind while it is young, before its owner has learned how to close any of these eight doors. Then I can set up habits which keep the doors open, indefinitely.