Corona Virus aka COVID-19 is trending from east – west & north – south. Everyone has their own perspective which is respectable. Everyone is coming up with their own theory and logic with math behind it (at least some). Some says it’s a rival war between former and new trade king whereas some inside are it’s a campaign against Muslim someone thought it as a punishment from god where as some said it’s good for nature and some claims MESSIAH is coming some thought are beyond thinking and the list goes on.
Maybe they are all true maybe partial/s maybe some and maybe none. Whatever the case is, with grieve, we’re greedy, we’ll use every opportunity to feed our greed to any extend for our benefit without understanding. For disease we’ve doctors and professionals and this is not the first or the last time mother earth is facing? We’ve so far fought and survive these diseases, for e.g.
- Smallpox.
- Bubonic Plague.
- Spanish Flu.
- Seasonal Flu.
- Tuberculosis.
- Malaria.
- Cholera.
- Ebola.
- Cancer.
Yes the price is paid and in full but anyhow we fought and survive. Someday we’ll acknowledge the cure is found or invented and for upcoming generation this COVID-19 will be nothing serious/critical. I’m not professional in medical as many of you to but, as a human being (unfortunately) humanity does exist somehow somewhere within which is lost in greed and lust. This is a war, a war which is still ongoing and we’ve 2 option either we fight as a hero or we die as a coward. Not all superhero wear caps so we can do it.
The doctors are curing the patients & professionals are on their way to crack and find a cure now it’s our turn and it’s never too late! I repeat never too late. For those (who are like us) make humanity and kindness the weapon and spread love in the world once again when it needed the most. In the chaotic situation where nothings seems to be stable spread love and kindness. The question is how? In the time of global pandemic when some of us are in “lockdown” situation, remember we’re solider and a solider attempt every last option for a win. We can do this by,
- Having quality time with family (remember charity begin at home).
- Rebuild the relation with neighbors.
- Help them who is/are in reach.
- If students/ children live within your range so initiate a class/ social activity.
- Spread knowledge, awareness.
- World is only one click away, learn and avail the time.
- The one with good fortune (wealthier) help those who’re suffering the most.
Beside the above there could be many way possible help how you like it, how you wanted to, just do it. This is the time when we need to bow “The Humanity” beside anything; humanity is mutual in every single living soul. Forgot what we were teach instead of what we have to, the only way out is humanity. This may seem nothing, or near to nothing but believe me this will create a impact a downward/upward chain reaction restoring believe for love for kindness and for humanity.