Novera was lost , probably strung up . The mood was out of control. This started just after the breakout of pandemic ,the Corona disaster. She has been working in a bank as an IT resource person ;but due to the fear mongering around , it was hard to stay focused. Novera has two kids , almost in their tweens. She has to be extra careful whether being at home or in office. Her power of mind to control her over-thinking has almost dissipated. She started developing that maniac-disorder which in psychology has a name called ” disorder of over-thinking ” . This gets worst if it becomes chronic. Same happened to Novera . She was broken and shook when despite all precautionary measures , she got the virus tested positive and she could not help that . Though she is recovering fastly now , all because she took the help of a psychologist , which made me to write an article for my beautiful readers out here.
Bad thing about this anecdote is not that a person is caught by Corona Virus , or any other random disease. Bad thing is the fear of something you have been listening alot and you think eventually you would get effected , notwithstanding the safety measures you could bear. This disease is , which for many is not a disease but for me as a psychologist it is , called ” over-thinking” . This is melancholy resulting in physical trauma and mental disturbance. The more a person goes in to it , the more it overcomes the happiness.
My observation alarms me that women are attacked by “over-thinking” disorder more than the men . Though this statement is not defined, but i have witnessed women more over men suffering from over-thinking. what happens actually when one falls for “over-thinking” ? . That person starts living life which doesn’t belong to him. She/he behaves more hopelessly as the connection between mind and body gets disorientated . Either you think about your past and try to ruminate events/happenings that were not according to your resolution. Or whether the future makes you “over-thing” about your status. We must discern that changing your past is not in your hands , indubitably . We can make the blunders less effective in our coming days , having said that , but lamentation above past has no service to one’s health. Correspondingly , brooding atop future which is obscured , is like you are painting a canvas with no brush or color in your hands. Being pragmatic is the best solution to “over-thinking”. It’s only the present that needs to be concerned. It’s only “today” which has to be pampered. Rectifying the past and painting the future , can be done by not “over-thinking” but by emphasizing your “today”.
There are lots of ways to overcome your anxiety of “over-thinking” as a matter of fact. In my opinion , the very first thing we can do to less harm ourselves is to avoid toxic people. People that might demotivates you. People tugging you in to your past , or transfix your future in front of you. They are not helping you live your life with empty rhetoric . Such people could be from around you , in your class ,office , or most probably over the social media. You hear me right. Secondly , try not to let go of your goals if you have any. Always get clung to a single goal at a time. Too many of the options may lead to diversion , making your route to nowhere. Thirdly , do yoga/meditation or any other exercise to take control of your brain. Additionally , laugh much. Talk to like-minded people . Pep talk helps you come out of your fear many of the times .Their positivity and optimism would help boost your inner strength rerouting you from “over-thinking”. Read as much as you can. Be “you”. If you takes the control of your brain ,your brain will function the way you want. If you are on a smooth sailing , then no “over-thinking” can thump the defence boundary of your brain. Joy comes when your whole life revolves around living by the sun and loving by the moon. Stay happy.