A Chinese news agency named Xinhua added an AI 3D news anchor to its lineup of virtual presenters.
According to the Daily Mail, the AI 3D news anchor named Xin Xiaowei was jointly developed by Xinhua and search engine Sogou which is a Chinese technology company specializing in web search.
The company claims their artificially intelligent news anchor can imitate human voices, facial expressions, lip movements, and mannerisms while using only text inputs.
”The 3D anchor is modeled on Zhao Wanwei, a real-life reporter for the news agency. Her digital counterpart is brought to life by “multi-modal recognition and synthesis, facial recognition and animation and transfer learning,” Sogou – the search engine company revealed.
The footage of the technologically advanced AI anchor was released on Thursday in which it was seen virtually presenter nodding her head in emphasis and blinking as she speaks during her debut at an animated broadcast studio.
Xinhua launched its first AI anchor in 2018 and had introduced four 2D digital newsreaders before bringing in the latest creation.
This article originally appeared in The Mail