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“Education Industry” is a bit offensive term to some people, especially in the East. The reason is quite simple; the...
During a June in Lahore, sometime in the early 1990s, under the sultry heat of the day, a boy in...
As millions of people lose their jobs around the world due to COVID-19, the number of people below poverty line...
- Sidra Qamar “Not all heroes wear caps, some give food and shelter to a hungry stray dog” We all...
“Not all heroes wear caps, some give food and shelter to a hungry stray dog” We all are well aware...
- Faiza Zameer Managing finances is stressing so this article explores some useful tips and tricks to stay within budget...
- Dr. Umair Haroon In the wake of global pandemic, India continues to alienate Muslim community as Ahmedabad’s hospital segregates...
- Usman Qasim Riaz The life beyond the edge of our planet never ceases to amaze us. As we step...
- Tehsin Shah It was the year 1825. A new emperor named Nicholas 1 ascended the throne of Russia, following...
- Marium Shah While you play your part in helping with the COVID-19 pandemic, do ponder over how we, collectively,...