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The shocking thrashing of Indian soldiers by the Chinese military men near the Galwan valley located on the disputed Himalayan...
The Ukrainian Ministry of Health said Ukraine and Pakistan are on the next steps in the degree of spread of...
Stars shine and we enjoy them watching. Twinkle Twinkle little star is famous of all time rhyme for kids including...
I have observed that many Pakistanis and other people from around the world are watching and talking about the program...
Aizbah Khan Federal Minister for Industries and Production Hamad Azhar presented the federal budget for the financial year 2020-2021 in...
Coronavirus has brought changes in every walk of life, the whole world will be indeed a changed place. Similarly, the...
Today, I came across a very fascinating fact, there are six countries that acted decisively in the wake of COVID-19...
We will surprise you again, don’t mess with Pakistan! In the wake of COVID-19, when the world needs to be...
It is quite interesting to see if not surprising, to say the least, that India on all fronts especially on...
Accountability is a universal concept. If we talk about religion, social and justice systems, accountability has a special status everywhere....