Indian film actor Bhagyashree, who shared the screen with superstar Salman Khan, in her debut film ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’, recalled his flirting with her on the set.
In her new interview with a local YouTube channel, on the 35th anniversary of their title ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’, Bhagyashree recalled the incident from the set when she thought Salman Khan was flirting with her as he sang the song ‘Dil Deewana’ in her ears.
“I was feeling lonesome because I had no family with me,” she remembered. “We had to shoot Dil Deewana, and suddenly Salman came and sat right next to me and started singing the song into my ear.”
“He had always been such a gentleman on set and so nice to me that I couldn’t understand. Well, it just seemed like crossing the line over flirting and I said, ‘Why is he doing this?’” added the actor.
She continued, “He would follow me around and keep singing the song and I was like ‘What’s happening here?’ He finally took me to the side and said, ‘I know!’ I was like really? He said, ‘I know who you are in love with’. He said, ‘I know about Himalaya. Why don’t you call him here?’ I was like, ‘Oh my god! This can’t be happening.’”