A rare stripped hyena which was rescued from a mob during dog fight on May, 29, 2020 from a remote area of D.I.Khan, has now been released in its natural habitat after 26 days of captivity at Peshawar zoo for treatment and medication.
“We have safely released the wild animal in its natural habitat in Kohe Pewar area of D.I.Khan near Baluchistan border,” said Khan Malook, Divisional Wildlife Officer (DFO) D.I.Khan.
The female hyena was captured in an injured condition when it was to be released in tied condition in front vicious dogs for fight.
The rescued animal is a Stripped Hyena which is rare in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and is spotted in mountain ranges of Sheikh Badin, Koh-e-Bitani and Suleman Ranges in southern region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Hyena is locally called as `Lagar Bagar’ and is considered as second predator in ecosystem after Lion and Leopard, Malook apprised APP.
“If we were late for a couple of minutes, the hyena would have been mauled by trained fighting dogs,” Khan recalled.
After rescuing hyena, we rushed the animal to Peshawar zoo for treatment while finding it in injured condition, he added.
During capture and tying with ropes by local people, the animal got injuries and was severely traumatized.
The animal remained in captivity at Peshawar Zoo for 25 days where it got proper food, treatment and medication.
On Thursday (June 25) after physical examination of the animal, it was decided to release it in its natural habitat.