After India’s Punjab, Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Emergency’ is also facing protests by alleged Khalistani activists in London, over the misrepresentation of Sikhs in her film.
The debut solo directorial of Bollywood actor-turned-BJP MP Kangana Ranaut has been embroiled in controversies since before its theatrical release on Friday, January 17.
Earlier, the SGPC community demanded a ban on the film’s release in Punjab, writing a letter to the CM of the Northern state of India. While no action was taken by the state government, multiple screenings of the movie were reportedly halted in the theatres due to the protests, over the portrayal of Sikhs in the title.
As per the latest development, alleged Khalistani protesters also interrupted the film’s screenings in theatres of London, Wolverhampton and Birmingham.
According to the details, the protestors entered the auditoriums in the middle of the show and shouted slogans like ‘Khalistan Zindabad’, with the demand to immediately stop the screening.